Ceramic Tile Plaques

White Tiles with your design in full color are recessed into black walnut wood plaques. A brass engraved plate may be placed at the bottom of the plaque.

(Pricing is for in stock logos only if this is a new logo please refer to our ordering information page or our sublimation page.)

Plaque #10
9 1/2" x 10" Shield with a 6" Round Tile - 32.85ea

Plaque #9
11 1/2" x 12" Shield with a 6" Round Tile - 37.55ea

Plaque #11
10" x 10" Wood Square with a 6" Square Tile - 27.50ea



1. 3 1/2" White Tile Disc.........................................................6.20ea

2. 4" Square Tile Disc................……......................................7.05ea

3. 6" Round or Square Tile Disc............................................11.00ea

4. 1" x 3" Brass Plate........…......................................................75ea

5. Engraving, per letter................................................................20ea


Any plaque with a 3 1/2" or 4" tile can be mixed with a mug order.

All plaques with a 6" round or square tile must have a minimum of 48 plaques
for the first order.

Our Plaques make perfect gifts for retirements,
re-enlistment and recognition awards!

This website is a product of Random Xpressions
